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Delta Airlines Targeted Memo for Flight Attendants

Delta Air Lines has issued a memo outlining specific appearance guidelines for candidates applying for flight attendant positions.

Delta Airlines

Delta Airlines Targeted Memo for Flight Attendants

18 Sep 2024 6:46 AM GMT

Delta Airlines recently issued a memo to flight attendants outlining detailed dress and appearance guidelines. Delta Airlines underwear code included an unexpected emphasis on the requirement to wear proper undergarments. The memo specifies that while these must be worn, they should remain out of sight at all times. This rule is part of Delta’s broader efforts to ensure that flight attendants maintain a polished, professional appearance that aligns with the company’s brand image.

Delta Airlines dress code memo extends beyond undergarments, covering aspects like grooming, attire, and accessories. Flight attendants are expected to maintain natural-looking hair without bold highlights and must ensure their overall hygiene is immaculate. Nail polish is permitted, but only in subtle, uniform colours, and nails must be neat and trimmed. For jewellery, only small studs and no more than two earrings per ear are allowed, while visible tattoos must be fully covered.

Delta Airlines dress code further specifies that clothing should fit properly and exude professionalism. Skirts or dresses should be knee-length or longer, and shoes must be closed-toe. Flight attendants are also reminded of strict conduct guidelines, such as no gum chewing or phone use during interviews.

To sum up, here’s the Delta Airlines dress code guide:

1. Proper undergarments that are not visible

2. No neon or multi-coloured nails

3. No long eyelashes with high-volume

4. No facial hair

5. Coverage of visible tattoos with makeup or clothing

6. Light and pleasant aftershave, deodorant and perfume

7. No dark hair highlights

8. No face piercing except single side nose

9. No chipped nails

10. Maximum of two earrings per ear

Delta Air Lines Dress code flight attendants Delta Air lines news 
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